Retail Commerce

NOCA virtual Tours Barcelona

Unique experience with strategic potential

Beyond the high-quality 3D virtual tour of your store, a wide variety of compatible solutions appear to improve the accessibility of your online store, create a positive initial feeling, and simplify the shopping experience for your customers.

NOCA Virtual tour Construction Documentation floor plans

Detailed floor plans

Create detailed floor plans by yourself to give potential customers a bird’s-eye view so they can find what they’re looking for quickly.
NOCA_Tours Virtuales Real Estate Marketing Retail Tienda Comercio Google Street View

Google Street View

Publish your space on Google Street View to be visible to local customers looking for nearby stores.
NOCA_Tours Virtuales Real Estate Marketing Retail Tienda Comercio Video guided tour

Video guided tours

Offer guided tours to introduce your customers to the most relevant parts of the retail space.
NOCA_Tours Virtuales Web

Interactive Tags

Add interactive tags to include products details and their corresponding purchase links associated with your online store.
NOCA_Tours Virtuales Real Estate Immobiliaria Agencias Barcelona

Marketing resources

Get high quality media materials for marketing campaigns, such as HR photos, panoramas, gif, or video.

Matterport VT Technology Example

NOCA virtual Tours Barcelona

Promote your business with 3D tours

Any space as a hotel, or a restaurant will increase engagement rates, drive higher occupancy rates, and increase booking.

Create detailed Floor Plans

Publish on Google Street View

Offer Video guided tours

Interactive tags & purchase links

Get Marketing media resources

Matterport VT Technology Example

NOCA virtual Tours Barcelona

Promote your business with 3D tours

Any space as a hotel, or a restaurant will increase engagement rates, drive higher occupancy rates, and increase booking.

Create detailed Floor Plans

Publish on Google Street View

Offer Video guided tours

Interactive tags & purchase links

Get Marketing media resources

Matterport VT Technology Example

Offer a innovativeview of your store
NOCA_Tours Virtuales Real Estate Agencia Inmobiliaria Barcelona
NOCA Barcelona

Consistent shopping experience

Simplify with Virtual tours solutions your store management, and create a consistent shopping experience, both online and physical, for your customers.



of buyers are more interested in buying in 3D (virtual tour) rather than 2D photos.



felt that the 3D virtual store was a more exciting experience when shopping online.

Logo NOCA virtual Tours Barcelona

Higher occupancy rates, and increase engagement rates

Enable your guests to experience your property as if they were really there, feeling more confident and more likely to book.



of buyers are more interested in buying in 3D rather than 2D photos.



felt that the 3D virtual store was a more exciting experience shopping online.